1 min read

The Capitalist Manifesto: Why the Global Free Market Will Save the World by Johan Norberg

In response to reader’s queries, we have added a book of the week column to the EI weekend edition - interesting books pertaining to exchanges and markets, investment et al. - Anybody can sign up for EI Weekend for free at ExchangeInvest.com incidentally.

This week’s book was written by our IPO-VID 125 guest & multi-award winning Johan Norberg.

The Capitalist Manifesto: Why the Global Free Market Will Save the World” is a case for capitalism and the vital role played by the free market in today's uncertain world. Johan Norberg argues that a move away from global capitalism would not only squeeze the growth out of the economy but also deepen an already large social exclusion for the vulnerable - for the world's poor, it would be a killing blow.

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