1 min read

The Space Economy: Capitalize on the Greatest Business Opportunity of Our Lifetime by Chad Anderson

In response to reader’s queries, we have added a book of the week column to the EI weekend edition - interesting books pertaining to exchanges and markets, investment et al. - Anybody can sign up for EI Weekend for free at ExchangeInvest.com incidentally.

This week’s book was written by Space Capital Founder and Managing Partner Chad Anderson.

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From global positioning, geospatial intelligence, and satellite communications to commercial human spaceflight and interplanetary transportation, “The Space Economy: Capitalize on the Greatest Business Opportunity of Our Lifetime” explains how and why the space economy is the greatest opportunity of our lifetime to investors, entrepreneurs, and aspiring professionals as it provides powerful tools and information for understanding how space-based technologies have, and will continue to, transform enterprise, government, and consumer markets for decades to come. 

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